Storage Test

Meeting Your Next-Generation Storage Test Needs

Test Dream Storage Test focuses on improving overall equipment efficiency, time to market and cost of ownership for hard disk drive (HDD) manufacturers. Drives tested by Test Dream can be found in mobile technology, personal storage devices, Hyperscale, edge, and cloud data centers.

TestDream's Storage Test Platform for HDD Automated Test

Teradyne, Inc. is a leading global supplier of Storage Test solutions. Since delivering our first Hard Disk Drive tester in 2007, we have been supporting our customers in producing  the best HDD products in the market. Enabled by our scalable high-density architecture, high-speed automation, precision HDD handling, and carefully controlled test environment, our customers have access to a single platform for all their HDD tests that can keep up with their aggressive production schedules.

We work closely with the engineering and business leaders of our customers to understand the technical challenges they face and provide robust test solutions that also meet their business requirements.  Test Dream provides an unparalleled value proposition to our customers by reducing the costs associated with HDD testing. We continuously innovate our technology to grow with the increasing capabilities of HDDs, leading to steadily growing HDD tester market share. With an after-sale support team that is second to none, we pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and being an industry leader for equipment uptime.

Teradyne’s 3.5” HDD automated test platform, Saturn, allows flexible system configuration to maximize factory layout and density. Designed with a linear automation system, Saturn supports the third-generation of dynamic isolation and thermal architecture to meet the rigorous requirements of future generations of 3.5” HDD. With innovations in automation, dynamics and thermals, the Saturn platform is ideally suited to provide the flexibility for factory layouts and to meet today’s and future HDD requirements.