
High-Performance Integrated Functional Test Platform

The Spectrum-9100 is a fully integrated functional test system for factory, depot, and intermediate test applications. It’s the “go to” tester for users needing a mix of digital, analog, mixed-signal, and bus test capabilities across a wide range of products—from legacy boards to advanced systems.

An open, standards-based hardware and software architecture consists of fully developed, fully documented building blocks. These deliver the flexibility and scalability needed to speed test program set (TPS) development and simplify maintenance.

The Spectrum-9100 is a cost-effective test solution—the field-proven defense and aerospace standard for high-performance functional test. More than 300 systems are currently in use worldwide in factories and depots, as well as commercial avionics maintenance and repair facilities.

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Comprehensive digital, analog, mixed-signal, and bus test capability.
Spectrum-9100 is the choice of defense and aerospace product manufacturers and depots requiring a powerful yet flexible functional test system to verify, and/or diagnose a wide variety of future, current, and legacy products.

The defense and aerospace ATE standard.
Spectrum-9100 is the industry standard whose wide-ranging test capability that eliminates problems associated with UUT compliance and validation tests.

A flexible, integrated test system.
Spectrum-9100 packs industry-leading test functionality, switching, software, self-test and calibration capabilities in a single integrated system that includes power distribution and thermal management.

Open architecture.
Spectrum-9100 open architecture incorporates industry standards—PXI, LXI, VXI, GPIB, IVI, Windows, ATML, safety, EMI—together with expandable size and power, providing straightforward modular expansion as test needs evolve.

Faster TPS implementation.
Spectrum’s proven PC-based software development suite reduces TPS implementation time and cost while increasing test coverage. Proven PC-based software development tools reduce test implementation time and effort with full QA by Test Dream of ongoing software releases.

Benefit from TESTDREAM’s application experience and global support.
Every Spectrum-9100 comes with TESTDREAM’s experienced applications expertise backed by a worldwide support and maintenance infrastructure that ensures rapid setup and implementation, as well as available next-day spare parts service.


Spectrum-9100 systems are at work where defense and aerospace products are tested. Applications include:

  • High-performance functional test for boards, assemblies, and systems used in defense/aerospace products such as avionics, missiles, and vehicles.
  • Applications requiring analog, digital, mixed-signal, and/or bus test including performance digital test, parallel test, real-time bus test.
  • Performs in virtually every test environment including production test, depot repair of new and legacy products, including legacy rehosting.


The Spectrum-9100 system is available in a virtually unlimited array of configurations—from compact to large:

  • Single bay through six bays
  • Single-tier, double-tier and triple-tier interfaces (ICA)
  • 10 KVA to 60 KVA input power

System Options

Spectrum-9100 features a full range of options.

  • Analog Instruments
  • Bus Instruments
  • Digital Instruments
  • High Speed Subsystem
    • Serial, parallel, custom and standard bus support
    • Unique three-tier architecture incorporates the advantages of simple field-programmable gate array instruments
    • Real-time interaction with unit under test
    • Fully integrated with other Spectrum-9100 instrumentation
  • Switching
    • Crosspoint matrix optimized for Di-Series and Spectrum Analog Instruments.
    • High Bandwidth switch modules
    • Switch management software
  • Third-Party Instruments
    • Spectrum-9100 is designed to work with all standard third-party instruments, including:
      • System level self-test
      • Configuration of ICA cables
    • Software: Available support for third party software in addition to Spectrum-9100 standard software.
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