J750Ex-HD Family
The Industry Standard in High Efficiency, Low Cost Test
The world produces billions of semiconductors every year, and the test requirements vary significantly. The J750Ex-HD offers the lowest cost test solution for uncompromised test quality of less complex mixed signal devices.

J750Ex-HD: the MCU Test Solution
Microcontroller Units (MCUs) are used in automobiles, mobile electronics and robotics. As you go through your day, dozens of MCUs are in your electronic devices working to provide unique features and TESTDREAM’s J750 family most likely tested them. With a growing installed base of over 6,000 test systems and widely available at more than 50 Outsourced Assembly and Test (OSAT) locations, TESTDREAM’s J750 is the industry standard for high volume test of low-cost devices.
Why does the J750ExHD dominate microcontroller test? The J750 was first introduced in 1998. Test Dream was focused then, and is today, on reducing single site test times and optimizing parallel test efficiency to lower the cost of test while maintaining compatibility across generations of the platform. The J750 family is the longest running active ATE product which has maintained compatibility throughout its entire lifetime while providing new instrumentation to offer higher performance and lower cost of test. The J750Ex-HD is the latest offering which offers the highest level of parallelism and performance on the market.
Lowest Cost of Test
Reducing the cost of test is crucial in a highly competitive semiconductor market. The J750Ex-HD family reduces the cost of test by 25-50% over competitive offerings with higher throughput and increased site count. Higher site count is delivered by the High Density (HD) family of instruments and software providing the fastest path to lowest cost of test.
Fastest Time to Profits
The award-winning IG-XL™ software enables thirty percent faster development of multisite test programs compared with competitive ATE software systems. IG-XL is focused on efficiency requiring 50% fewer lines of code compared to other ATE programming languages. The software environment encourages code reuse, and the real-time debug experience is significantly enhanced by language that does not require compiling of code. Because the software transfers seamlessly within the J750Ex-HD family, there is lower risk in production implementation by leveraging current docking interfaces for production floor integration.
The J750Ex-HD is well-known for its ‘zero footprint’ design minimizing use of valuable manufacturing floor space. The scalability of the test system, to 2048 multifunction pins and data rates up 400 MHz/800 Mbps, makes it ideal for low-cost devices with increasing feature integration.
Test Quality for Automotive MCUs
The J750Ex-HD is the most mature and market proven platform for automotive MCU test. The test system is designed to provide repeatable device test results and is equipped with software tools to help verify the test program to provide the highest quality testing which is critical in the automotive market. A test program verification tool suite prevents programming errors and unexpected program changes. Unique instrument monitoring features avoid latent damage to devices, and a tri-temperature probe interface means automotive devices can be tested at cold (-25 to -45°), ambient and hot (120 – 160°C) temperatures.
J750Ex-HD Options for Testing All the Components Inside of MCU’s Include:
- High Speed Digital 800 instrument (HSD800) provides digital functionality and characterization test
- Memory Test Option (MTO) for embedded memory test
- Digital Signal Source & Capture (DSSC) behind each pin for memory and mixed signal
- Deep Scan History RAM (DSHRAM) for DFT based SCAN test
- High Voltage Digital (HVD) function for embedded flash testing
- High Density Device Power Supply (HDDPS) for high performance precision-controlled device power
- High Density VI Source (HDVIS) for high site count and pattern controlled for precise timing of test measurements
- Mixed Signal Option (MSO) for audio testing of embedded analog components
- High Density Converter Test Option (HDCTO) for testing embedded ADC/DAC converters
- High Density Analog Pin Measurement Unit (HDAPMU) for mixed signal test
J750 – LitePoint RF Test System
The option of adding LitePoint instrumentation to the J750 system delivers a cost-effective, complete production test solution covering global wireless connectivity standards. With the proliferation of embedded RF components such as Bluetooth® into microcontrollers and other stand-alone wireless SoC devices, the J750 can test an even broader range of applications while continuing to deliver superior cost efficiency and fast time-to-market. By utilizing the same LitePoint instrumentation that the engineers do initial bench bring-up and downstream module testing, the total effort and time to get to market with new products is improved significantly.
Available as an upgrade for all J750 models (J750, Ex, HD), the J750-LitePoint leverages IG-XL for development and debug and incorporates the LitePoint RF Tool Suite and modulation libraries. The J750-LitePoint provides dedicated onboard-instrument DSP for high-throughput RF signal processing, an extensive wireless software library and a comprehensive debug tool suite.
The J750-LitePoint is compatible with existing LitePoint applications. The test system supports up to 32 RF ports enabling high site count with a reliable signal interface for 6GHz performance to the device interface board.
As the leading provider of complete Test Cell Solutions and services, we at Test Dream leverage our expertise, experience, and technology leadership to help our customers achieve the highest yield and the highest throughput in production with the fastest time to market. We partner with you in your journey from design to production to provide standard and customized test cell products and services.