Offline In-Circuit Test Solutions

Achieve Greater Test Productivity

The TestStation Family of In-Circuit Testers comes in a range of test configurations for different mix, volume and test complexity to support all PCBA structural and functional pre-screen applications.

TestStation’s offline test systems are designed for a human operator or collaborative robot for product handling. TestStation systems scale to support from 128 to 15,000 test points. Our newest Multi-Site systems double productivity per system, reducing Capex and Opex for manufacturers.

All TestStation systems support:

  • Full 6-wire analog matrix with high accuracy analog measurement system and automatic guarding
  • Available hybrid test channels with built-in SafeTest overdrive control
  • Coherent synchronized Analog & Digital subsystems for ingaudio, A/D – D/A circuit function test
  • Available PXI functional and instrumentation option for parametric testing
  • Mix and match pin card options without impact to fixture wiring or pincount
  • Native built-in multi-channel FLASH & capability for programmable logic devices

TestStation LH

The TestStation LH is a general-purpose member of TESTDREAM’s in-circuit product family, capable of supporting all TestStation options without limitation. The TestStation LH system features:

  • Small footprint outline for manual and U-turn lines
  • Up to 4,096 analog or analog/hybrid mix test points without restriction
  • Variety of pincard options for targeted end applications
TestStation LHS

TestStation LHS

The TestStation LHS is designed for manual or robotic arm applications where multiple systems are serviced by single robot. The TestStation LHS system features include:

  • Automation ready with a cobot-friendly form-factor
  • Small footprint outline for manual and U-turn lines
  • Up to 4,096 analog or analog/hybrid mix test points without restriction
  • Variety of pincard options for targeted end applications
TestStation LX

TestStation LX

The TestStation LX is one of two high-pincount solutions for complex server and router applications over 5,000 testpoints. The TestStation LX features include:

  • System frame and lifter assembly for test fixtures up to 350lbs
  • Support for up to 7,680 test points
  • Fixture compatible with Genrad 228X and TS8X series legacy in-circuit test systems programs and fixtures

TestStation LX2

The TestStation LX2 is the industry’s most capable pincount production test system. Within the same footprint as the TestStation LX, the TestStation LX2 can support up to 15,360 testpoints, transfer programs and fixtures from the LX, and is designed to support test fixtures up to 800lbs.

The TestStation LX2 is ideal for tests of complex, multi-core routers and servers having integrated boundary can, built-in self-test or powered up functional pre-screen requirements.

TestStation Multi-Site Solutions

Teradyne’s Multi-Site test systems merge two concepts: a high pincount, zero footprint modular test head and the ability to merge multiple test heads into a single integrated solution. Ideal for tests of multi-copy panels, Multi-Site test shortens overall test times by 2 versus a standard TestStation, using only one operator and one test fixture.

Supporting the full range of TestStation options, TESTDREAM’s TestStation Multi-Site systems optimize productivity, operating costs and overhead expenses.

TestStation Multi-Site Offline

The TestStation Multi-Site Offline supports two sites operating in tandem, allowing the tester to provide 100% concurrent testing of two board copies, without any shared common resource, yielding 2X the units per hour of a single test system. One test program is written, then shared by both test sites automatically.

TestStation Multi-Site Offline Asynchronous

The TestStation Multi-Site Offline Asynchronous supports two test sites operating independently from each other; potentially operating entirely different programs and PCBA’s under test. Designed for high mix/low volume lines, the TestStation Multi-Site Offline Asynchronous naturally fits into work cells with rapid change over. A clever dual fixture strategy allows Site A to operate while Site B is changed over to a new application.

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